
Friday, 10 August 2012

Good or bad news

On Thursday morning my boss said he wanted to have a word with me and instantly I thought im being sacked or made self employed! But after worrying all day what he was going to say he told me at the end of the day that iv got to have my hours cut down to 16 from 26. Well I didnt know whether to be happy or sad, because iv wanted to cut my hours down when came back from maternity leave, but we needed the money more so just had to get on with it. Now the choice has been made for me even though we're going to be absolutely broke im so happy I can be more of a stay at home mum like iv always wanted. And its given us the kick up the arse to clear all our debts with spare wedding money, so in theory now we should be better off anyway :) even though my boss said its only temporary till business picks up again I dont think I want to go back up to 26 hours! But we'll just have to wait and see how we get on. Thanks for reading xxelliexx

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