
Saturday, 27 June 2015

Month 8 as a mummy of 3

May 2015
This month has been a really hard month for me, Mr has started his new job which is really long hours, mix that with lots of illness and still stressing about S's school place I really feel like I've been struggling lately I'm hoping that everything will soon settle into place and calm down.

Mr's job has been a big change for us all, he's often out of the house before we wake up and not back until I'm putting the littles to bed, some days he comes home and has absolutely loved it, feeling great and other days he's found it really stressful and isn't sure if its worth all the hassle. He's also fitting driving lessons in around it just to put the cherry on the cake. I cant wait for him to finish the training in August, the hours will still be long but hopefully will have more of a pattern to them so we can get into a better routine.

This month has also seen H learn to sit up and crawl, he seems to have been a bit behind in his development but is now powering ahead, the days that he just lay there seem so easy and long ago now. It took 6 weeks of him not being far off crawling for him to realise what to do, but is now into everything especially the dishwasher, I can't take my eyes off him for a second.

We STILL haven't heard anything about S's school appeal. I'm the sort of person who likes to be mega organised (or at least I use to be before having 3 children) so I've been wanting to buy her uniform and generally get us both prepared for this huge change, so far all I've managed to do is buy some pinafore dresses as they're the only thing that's the same at both schools. I don't know what to say to her as I don't want to confuse her, we've missed out on both schools settling in sessions. I do quite often wonder if it's actually worth appealing and if it's just selfish of me to want her to go to the school that I went to. But I think of all the positives of the school and hope it will all be worth it.

H's abscess has come back but luckily a strong dose of antibiotics have gotten rid of it for now, unfortunately the antibiotics triggered oral thrush, poor little baba now refuses all medicine and doesn't trust me at all, I tried sharing my yogurt with him but he wouldn't open his mouth and turned his head away, it makes me so sad. In an attempt to help him I've swapped him to reusable nappies and Naty disposable nappies as they have less chemicals which I'm hoping will be nicer on his bum when he's feeling sore. I'll keep you updated on how we get on.

H's first time in a cloth nappy
Thanks for reading
Elly x

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