
Thursday, 3 May 2012

Bed time routine is finally working

For the past 6 weeks me and L have been tierlessly trying to get Lottie to fall asleep by herself in her own cot and i think we have finally cracked it tonight she fell asleep in 5minuets in the dark Woohoo. im sure most parents of 1year olds will be wondering what the big deal is, as im sure alot of parents who have their "perfect little angels" have been doing this for months already. But for lazy parents like us who let her fall asleep in our arms while we watched Tv and let her sleep in our bed, i know i know we're bad parents but between my anxity making me exhausted and L working a different shift everyday (getting in at 10.30pm leaving again at 6.15am the next morning), its been a big change for all of us and after having quite a few nights where iv wanted to throw in the towel, but somehow amazingly we've struggled through and she now sleeps though the night on her own.It's best feeling ever so proud of her and us.
And also gives me and L some time back for ourselves.

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