Well after keeping us waiting 9 extra days our little baby boy 'H' was born at 3.11pm on Friday 26th September weighing 8lb5oz, which after two 6lb babies seems massive to me. After a very long build up it was a very quick labour with only 5 minutes of pushing which I was very grateful for, but as I was having a home water birth the second midwife didn't make it in time, so was a little bit panicked but all worked out well in the end. I will write my full birth story up, so please come back to read that and follow our story of 3 children under 4 years old.
E xxx
Mummy to little girls S born April 2011 and E born June 2013 and little boy H born September 2014. Blogging about life, pregnancy and my babies. Happily married and loving being a housewife.
Tuesday, 30 September 2014
Our new little bundle
Sunday, 21 September 2014
25 to 33 weeks
I ordered my birth-pool this week and when it came we had a trial run with it, which was great fun the girls absolutely loved it, S thought it was a swimming pool and keeps asking to go back in it.
Tiredness has come back again, I seem to be alright for a while then it suddenly hits me like a brick wall and I feel horrendous and don't want to move off the sofa for a few days, hope its not here to stay now.
40 weeks
Thursday, 4 September 2014
38 & 39weeks
38 weeks
Having a tough week again this week, I have a terrible trapped nerve in my back I think it might be sciatica as when iv been lay down for a while it sends shooting pains down my right leg that buckle it, its worst in the middle of the night (which is a great excuse for Mr to get up with the girls) and bizarrely is gone by the morning. Having disturbed nights is wearing me out again though and most days im falling asleep by 10am. Just hope he's not too late so all these symtoms will go.
39 weeks
I got very excited as my bump dropped bang on 39 weeks on Wednesday, so I got my hopes up thinking that he was only a matter of days away but he still hasn't made his appearance, which is probably a good thing as two days before my due date I've started doubting our name choice, I think we'll still go back to the original one but I'm not 100% thay it goes with our surname. Its such a hard choice and something that you've got to live with the rest of yours and their life that it shouldn't be a rushed decision, its really upsetting me and making me angry that we can't agree on a name that we both like. And with the birth being so imminent its so important that we get it right.
The other thing thats annoying me is all the people asking if I'v had any signs yet. With E it made me laugh when people asked me because it seemed to be bugging everyone else more than me. But this time with it being a much more tiring pregnancy with more ailments, I find myself getting really cross when people ask, I'm just glad that most have being by text so I've just ignored them.
Our first week of S being in nursery 3 days a week has started and being quite a challenge to be out the house on time I can't imagine what its going to be like with a newborn baby aswell!