
Thursday, 22 May 2014

21 & 22 weeks

21 weeks
This week was my local NCT (National Childbirth Trust)  nearly new sale, I sold a lot of my girly stuff, had a good clear out but at the sale itself I managed to spend twice as much as I made. if you have one near you they are fab, the bargains you can pick up are amazing, just make sure you get there in plenty of time because they are really busy. I became an NCT member as it means that you can get in early and get the best bargains. To find out more go to 
I made my first blue purchase this week, some cute little hats from Next, I don't want to go mad and buy loads, I just wanted something to make it real. It doesn't seem to have sunk in that I'm having a baby boy and somehow doesn't feel right knowing, hopefully it will sink in soon.
The nursery is very slowly coming along i'v started to fill the holes in the walls and done a bit of sanding on the skirting boards and door frame, I'm glad I started it in plenty of time because its taking forever to find the time to do it.

22 weeks 
This summer is going to be hell for me, I don't like the heat very much anyway but being 6 months pregnant through it is awful and so far we've only had a week of it, hopefully its going to be a typical British summer and rain for the next 3 months. Although the nice weather has meant that Mr has got in with a lot if outside jobs finally.  I can feel Peanut's bum now when his back is facing outwards, poor little man bet he's sick of me poking him already.

Thursday, 15 May 2014

19 & 20 Weeks

19 weeks

Other than my scan at the end of the week not alot has really happened, I looked after my 4 month old nephew for the first time which was great fun. It was on S's nursery day so I had a go at the nursery run with 3 children and got to use my icandy pear in its double mode for the first time which I loved. I also made a start on the babies nursery and have striped all the wood chip of the walls, just got to buy the wallpaper now, we've decided that although we know the baby's sex we're still going keep it very neutral, just incase they got it wrong because I doubt I'll feel like decorating when iv just had a baby.

20 weeks 
Another boring week really, Mr had 2 days off in a row so managed to get a little bit more done in the garden it might be half done by the end of the summer if we're lucky. Im sure my bump has gotten smaller since 18 weeks im not sure if its just the early bloating has gone now or if the rest of me is just getting bigger making my bump look smaller. Kicks are definitely getting stronger and more of a routine now, which is comforting for me as I feel like I can keep an eye them.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014